HR Principle

    HR Principle

    Xi C&A is a ‘construction company that builds a better future for customers together and creates new spatial values’.

    • Creativity & Autonomy

    • Emphasis on ability

    • Compensation based on performance

    • Equal opportunities

    • Long-term perspective

    1. 01Source of Value Creation

      Respect for individual creativity and autonomy

      Individual creativity is the source of value creation.
      We value individuality and diversity and respect autonomy to ensure that each individual can fully demonstrate their creativity.

    2. 02Operating Method

      Emphasis on ability

      Ability is the driving force of performance creation. We develop securing/nurturing activities based on individual abilities, and establish and operate necessary requirements and procedures.

      Compensation based on performance

      Compensation based on performance is the core of motivation.
      We fairly evaluate achievements realized and guarantee them according to individual/organizational contributions.

    3. 03Basic Thinking of Execution

      Providing equal opportunities

      Providing equal opportunities is the foundation of trust. We provide equal opportunities to ensure that members can demonstrate their abilities to the fullest.

      Long-term perspective

      The long-term perspective is the basic thinking of HR and organizational management.
      We consistently pursue HR-related decisions and activities from a long-term perspective.

    Compensation System

    Xi C&A realizes a performance-oriented culture through a compensation system based on objective and fair evaluation.

    • Basic Annual Salary

      Individual annual salary is determined
      based on annual achievements and performance evaluation
      and paid on a monthly basis

    • Management Incentives

      Payment of management incentives
      linked to company management performance